Joseph Haury In Regards to His Son Caleb Haury

Good afternoon Roslyn,

Thank you so much for your energy and time that you invested in Caleb. We are very happy with the curriculum you designed, the knowledge you provided, and your approach in coaching/teaching him. You were always well prepared and the documents you provided are very thorough.

Caleb is a naturally shy teenager. However, since your sessions together, he has been noticeably more open to conversation and engaging in dialog. For example, he had a conversation with a of couple adults, whom he his relatively unfamiliar with, about his new job during a BBQ this past weekend. Previously, he would not have been able to communicate as clearly and confidently prior to working with you.

Your preparation efforts for his summer camp and school related leadership activities have also pushed him outside of his comfort zone in a positive way. Walking into his week-long summer camp at Steven’s Institute of Technology he was nervous but felt very prepared for dorm living and social mingling due to your instruction.

He has told us about the many other lessons you have taught him and we are very appreciative. Overall, you exceeded our expectations and we thank you for your hard work!

Thanks you,

August 15, 2023

Caleb Haury, 16

Dear Ms. Roslyn,

Throughout your course there have been many things I have learned and found helpful. The ones which have helped the most have been in social etiquette with making introductions, eye contact with the safety zone, and making sure you are well groomed. I enjoyed learning about body language and how to read other people. I was able to utilize some of these skills while during my leadership week at Stevens Institute. I remembered your training about table etiquette and used proper eye contact when making proper introductions, and I used correct knife and fork positions when dining.

I enjoyed all out chats. Thank you for the box of thank you stationary and the inspiration you gave me for my High School event. You are truly a wonderful teacher.

August 10, 2023

William Du , Age 17

Thank you for your instruction and effort Ms. Roslyn.

Although I was out of my comfort zone for a good portion of the process, it was rewarding for an introvert like myself to face obstacles when learning social skills and etiquette.

I particularly enjoyed the sessions on learning fashion wardrobe techniques, and researching styles in current magazines. It was also most interesting to learn about, and see, the different fabric swatches for menswear. As someone who never really thought too much about what he wore, I appreciated this introduction.

As for communication skills and manners, it’s best for me to learn by example, and there wasn’t anyone that could have done that better than you.

My thanks again,
William Du
Age 17
June 23, 2022

Matthew Shore, 19

Thank you Ms. Rolan for being such a good teacher. I have a greater understanding of how to present myself to strangers and the need to broaden my mind with new ideas and interests, so that I have more to offer in conversations with new people. I also feel more confident that it’s ok to be different and I have a better feeling about myself. I believe my time with you was most valuable.

Thanks again.

Matthew Shore

Mark Shore, 17

Dear Ms. Rolan,

I learned a lot of valuable skills from this training program. You taught me an easy way to make eye contact with people without staring. And you taught me how to respectfully eat at dinner. You also showed me that I have a really nice voice and the ability to talk to an audience. I will take what I learned  and apply it to my daily life. Thank you so much.

Andrew Merchant, 19

Dear Roslyn,

I just want to say thank you so much for the time you gave me. I have definitely learned so much information and feel so much more confident. I know I will take all you have taught me into my future. Thank you for giving me that nail polish to help me stop biting my fingernails! And I enjoyed learning about the Safety Zone so I won’t be uptight when looking into someone’s eyes. I really enjoyed my time with you. You opened me up to new ways of thinking about myself socially.

Menna Attia, Age 17

Coach Roslyn,

Thank you for making me feel confident. I got out of my shell and have started communicating better with peers and teachers at school. I made new friends, who I approached, and used the tactics that you taught me. This course has taught me so much.

Thank you for the hospitality and the warm welcome. I found out how to organize a wardrobe. I learned how to do makeup that looks good, and most importantly, my speech. Thank you for helping me get rid of that lisp. Ever since I was enrolled in this course, I’ve been doing the speech practices, and the breathing techniques, as well as opening my mouth more.

Another important thing that I learned was how to act in an dining interview for college or work.

Thank you again for helping me change to become a better person. I hope we can stay in touch in the future.

Vanessa Marrocco, Age 17

Dear Coach Roslyn,

It has been such a pleasure and honor to learn from your etiquette and Communications Program. I have learned so much that I will be able to use next year in college and beyond.

Thank you for your time and hospitality. You’re a wonderful teacher, I never got bored! I cannot wait to apply what I have learned to my day-to-day life!

Angelique Fuentes, Age 16

Dear Ms. Rolan,

I found this course very helpful. It made me realize that I should really put myself out there and to always talk to someone that’s alone, or might need company. I learned how to walk so I don’t seem unpleasant to approach, and to always keep smiling. I will use all the tips I learned from you throughout my life.

Thank you so much for this Course. It was wonderful to be able to do this with you.

Pamela Molina, 17

I really enjoyed every class. I learned a lot. Not only did I learn a wide variety of etiquette skills. I also had a wonderful time with all the great conversation skills. In the 15 hours of class, I learn a lot more than I’ve ever learned throughout my life, plus it was really interesting and your stories were great. Thank you for everything! I had many laughs!

Alexa Tiflinsky, 12

Thank you so much for everything. You have helped me with my table etiquette and now I won’t get confused on which fork or knife I should use when I’m at a fancy restaurant. Now I know that you use the silverware which is farthest from your plate. I have also improved a lot in my communication and eye contact. I would like to thank you for everything you have helped me with because now I will know how to act in all social situations.

Noelle White, 14

I have learned so much from my time with you. Thank you for being such a valuable teacher. I think the best parts of the Charm Course were my practice on posture, walking, sitting and standing. I really enjoyed making my ‘Polished Presence’ board and have it sitting in my room, constantly reminding me of proper posture and how to present myself. I also enjoyed the section on body language and communication skills. I think your helpful articles and list of small talk topics will definitely prove useful in the year to come in high school. I realize how important it will be to make great first impressions when I make new friends. All in all, it has been a very productive course.

Michael Radosti, 12

I learned a lot about etiquette and how to make a good first impression. I also learned how to eat properly, and how to know what someone is thinking just by their body language. Thank you for teaching me and making it fun at the same time. I will try to break some of my bad habits like not sitting up straight in my chair, and not holding my paper up when I read something. Thank you for everything Ms. Rolan. I look forward to using all that you taught me in the real world.

Emily York, 14

I learned a lot of important thinks in your class. lt will really help when I am eating and in social situations. Thank you for teaching me the correct way to place a napkin and to hold silverware, because I never would have learned proper eating if not for you. Thank you for helping me socially. I will feel more confident at camp and in life, and it will help me make new friends. Thank you for helping me improve my behavior in fun ways. I will miss you!

Emily Laschiver, 14

For the past few months, I have learned several valuable things from attending your Image and Etiquette Course. A big aspect I try to incorporate in my life is working on my posture. I also am starting to use a lot of the things you have taught me about meeting people in social gatherings. Thank you for all your time and patience.

Melanie Laschiver, 17

Thank you for giving me more confidence in my everyday and teaching me valuable lessons. My favorite topic was communications because it showed what people thought through their facial and body gestures. I really enjoyed this class!

Jessica Holihan, 11

Thank you for helping me to learn and polish my manners. We learned how to introduce ourselves and other people. I liked how we show our public manners. I felt good when I went home after class. I have more confidence.

Alex Holihan, 10

Thank you for teaching us manners. It was a lot of fun working with you. My favorite parts were when we chatted, threw a ball, and acted in-plays. Pretty much everything was fun. I liked learning how to shake hands too.

Chloe Holihan, 7

I loved everything we did together.

Farah Amirsaleh, 15

l learned throughout my Polish Plus course, many things. First off, I learned about making introductions, proper eye contact when shaking hands. Also how to now stare by looking at their ‘safety zones’. lt is important to write Thank You’s and to be a good Listener and not interrupt others. I liked the Tongue Twisters and Public Speaking. I enjoyed learning how to use my knife and fork, napkin etiquette and place settings. Thank you.

Melvin Alcontara, 13

I learned many things from you. To not listen to Bullies, to never tell a stranger on the phone that your parents are not home. We also got to hear your amazing stories about helping others. I greatly appreciate your teaching us good manners. Thank you Ms. Roslyn.

Ashley Alcontara, 7

Thank you for teaching me about bullying and talking on the microphone and telephone manners. I also liked table etiquette. You are a nice teacher.

Kevin Alcontara, 9

Thank you for making our classes fun.

Daniel Diaz, 16

Thank you very, very much for teaching new things that I will need in preparation for my future. You were very special and nice as our teacher. My favorite thing was learning body language, conversation skills and proper dining.

Gabriela Gomez, 9

Thank you for teaching me posture, social etiquette, public speaking and Table etiquette. I appreciate your teaching me every Saturday.

Stephanie Grimaldos, 13

What I learned most in this course was perfecting my communication skills; How to speak slower and clearer. What I liked best was the Table Etiquette, how to eat properly. I learned many new things about dining, and know they will be very useful. You taught me very important things. Thank you very much.

Jonathan Grimaldos, 13

The thing I enjoyed the most was the Table Etiquette. I never knew what was for what. Also, I enjoyed public speaking, and how to speak with more volume. Thanks for an enjoyable time.

Alexandria Principe, 13

I really enjoyed the phone game. It was one of my favorites. I really think you helped my brothers and me. I think we know have better table etiquette than our Dad. I think we will have to teach him some things. I want to thank you for dealing with the all of us. And thank you for helping us with more “family therapy”. Thank you also for teaching me the proper social skills for life. You are such a good teacher.

Nicholas Principe, 11

Thank you for teaching us how to be well-mannered and to get along better. I enjoyed the Body Language, because now I will have a better way to understand what people are really saying. I also liked your using the musical bell with our exercises, and learning about handshakes. You are a nice person and have a great way to teach.

Vincent Principe, 9

I think the program was so much fun. My favorite part was when we colored and learned handshakes, and how to eat nicely.

Nicole Nagorny, 16

I can’t thank you enough for having me in your Social Etiquette & Communication Skills Class. I go over my course binder often and it reminds me of how much I benefitted from your training. I feel a major improvement in my social interactions now, and no longer have anxiety or feel the entire world is against me. You helped me gain a lot of confidence, and now I know how to act in all social situations and the ways to avoid difficult people.