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Youth Etiquette & Charm Training Books

The books offered for sale on this page are for people interested in learning not only how to teach children ages 8 to 14 how to have better social manners, but how to develop greater self-esteem and Leadership ability.

Roslyn Rolan has developed these programs over the past 22 years of working with children. She has seen such wonderful results of confidence developed in this training, that she wanted to share these Tools and skills with others. It is her hope that each Trainer will further expand Her work to reach as many of our youths to ultimately restore civility within their communities.

  • Children's Etiquette Books


    In this Presenter’s Manual is a complete explanation of the Winning Ways & Shining Stars Programs. It presents the fundamentals of each program starting with the Winning Ways program for Middle School Children. There is an explanation of the program, and with its three fundamental modules, and then how to organize your teaching tools for each segment. In Winning Ways the first Module is learning Good Manners, the Second is about Personal Improvement, where they Learn about good posture, walking and sitting. There is also a discussion on good grooming for girls and boys. The third module is about Table Etiquette & Dining Skills.

    The Shining Stars program is for younger children ages 6 to 10 therefore their teaching is more interactive and focused on the use of Arts & Crafts than having them write too much in their workbooks, although there are fun quizzes in their workbooks to keep them amused. Shining Stars program also has 3 modules, Making Introductions, Etiquette in Public Places & The ABC’s of Table Etiquette.

    The PRESENTER’S MANUAL comes with both the Winning Ways and Shining Stars Workbook as a package. The answers to the workbooks are included in the master which is part of the Presenter’s Manual.

    Since you will be downloading a digital copy, I suggest you purchase a large Heavy Duty 3”Binder with Avery 5 insertable Pocket Plastic Dividers to separate each chapter. This will allow for your inclusion of any Arts & Crafts examples that you may want to include in your training. I have always had Staples make spiral -bound copies of my workbooks with a clear front and back cover. They cost $45. each which I included in the cost of the training program.


    The following books are in this package:

    • Winning Ways Presenters Text – 74 pgs
    • Winning Ways Workbook – 94 pgs
    • Shining Stars Workbook – 54 pgs

    Please note these are only digital copies.

  • Table Top Manners

    This small book is for children of all ages to help them feel comfortable about eating with proper dining skills. They will learn and understand place settings, how to handle silverware, saying Grace, napkin etiquette, the difference between the American and Continental Dining Skills, proper posture at the table, how to eat soup, and how to eat various and difficult foods.


    The Table Top Manners book has 30 pgs.

    Please note these are only digital copies.

  • Smile, Sparkle & Shine

    This is a How To Guide for young girls who are interested in enhancing their personal image. There are steps on learning how to apply makeup, handle their clothing, improve their posture and walk and sit gracefully, as well as how to make a great first impression in social interactions.


    The Smile, Sparkle & Shine book has 28 pgs.

    Please note these are only digital copies.

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The Image & Etiquette Institute of NJ