Connie Noriega, Age 48
Dear Roslyn,
I am writing to express my deepest gratitude for the incredible coaching experience you have provided me over the past months.
Your expertise and commitment to helping me reach my goals have made a significant impact on both my professional and personal development. I appreciate the time and effort you invested in understanding my aspirations, and working collaboratively to overcome obstacles. Your insightful feedback, constructive criticism, and encouragement have not only enhanced my skills but also boosted my confidence.
Beyond your professional competence, your passion for what you do, and your genuine interest in my success, have created a supportive and motivating environment. I feel fortunate to have had the opportunity to work with such an exceptional Coach. I am grateful for the positive impact you have had on my journey.
Thank you for being an outstanding Coach.
Connie Noriega
Age 48
February 1, 2024
Melinda Fagan, Age 51
Dear Roslyn,
It has been such a pleasure taking your training.
It is evident that you have placed your heart and experiences into the curriculum. Your warmth, compassion and transparency made me so comfortable throughout my time with you.
You extended time when needed, and made the training most personal for me.
I highly recommend your program; an in depth understanding of Image development, Contemporary Etiquette and Communications that will last a lifetime.
Your wisdom, passion and insightful instruction are inspirational.
“Don’t Walk to her class, run. You won’t regret it.”
Many thanks,
Melinda Fagan
Age 51
July 19, 2024
Ying-Ming Jou, Age 55
Dear Ms. Rolan,
Thank you so much for making such important training to the general public especially for those who did not grow up in the western culture.
By changing my mentality, I feel comfortable and willing to follow the proper instructions for professional presence, communications and etiquette. Through your teaching, this change of me is from the inside, not only the outside.
I wish more people can come to your training. It will not only benefit them, but also benefit human society!
Thank you so much again Ms. Rolan,
Ying-Ming Jou
Age 55
July 6, 2024
From Taiwan
Winny Sanchez, Age 26
Dear Ms. Roslyn,
I wanted to take a moment to express my heartfelt gratitude for the invaluable lessons and guidance you have provided during my time in your etiquette class. Your expertise in this field has not only enriched my understanding of proper social behavior but has also had a lasting impact on my personal and professional life.
Throughout the course, your dedication to instilling the principles of etiquette and decorum was evident. What I appreciated most about your teaching style was your ability to create a welcoming and inclusive classroom environment. Your patience and encouragement encouraged us to step out of our comfort zones, leading to significant personal growth.
The practical lessons and etiquette tips you shared have proven invaluable in various aspects of my life. Whether it’s navigating social events, conducting myself in professional settings, or simply interacting with others on a daily basis, I find myself applying the knowledge and skills I gained in your class regularly.
I would like to extend my best wishes to you for your continued success in teaching and inspiring future students. Your dedication to the art of etiquette is making a meaningful impact on individuals like myself, and I am certain that many others will benefit from your wisdom and guidance in the years to come.
Once again, thank you, Ms Roslyn, for your outstanding teaching, mentorship, and the positive influence you have had on my life.
Winny Sanchez
Age 26
September 8, 2023
Karina Ycaza, Age 38
I am eternally grateful for my experience with your program. I knew I had to do something like this! I have learned how to be my best, to improve my business manners as well as polish my appearance as an Executive Assistant. I have enjoyed our conversations, and your guidance about my communication skills. I now understand the value of slowing down my speech, and listening better. It has meant the world to me! I look at things differently now, and feel more confident about my Executive position. Thank you so much for your help and dedication.
Arianette Fuentes, Age 55
I want to express my sincere gratitude for all your effort and attention during my training. From day one, I enjoyed each class. Your professionalism and knowledge made me feel comfortable, open to learn, and free to ask many questions. Thank you for all of your wonderful work. I wish you all the best. You truly helped me improve my professional image.
Cynthia Santos, Age 34
Dear Ms. Rolan,
I loved my experience with you. I learned so much which helped me make many improvements, and I am most thankful. The lessons I learned will help me with my career, and I hope to teach my children proper table manners and how to speak and address others.
I enjoyed the class on how to properly dress, and I will always cherish your quotes. For example: “A personal polished image is the first thing people will see when they meet you, so when you leave your home, be ready for all possibilities.” Thanks to Ms. Roslyn, I am ready.
Cynthia Santos
Age 34
Trashia Crenshaw, Age 32
I just wanted to take this opportunity to express how grateful I am to have met and train with you. It was indeed one of the most pleasant experiences of my life. You are a kind person, and your delivery is exceptional. You have put me on a path that I know will lead to greatness in my career. I can say that I am now a better person on the inside, and outside, before I started my training with you.
Thanks so much! You are great!
Alexander Carter, 43

I can’t thank you enough for all your wonderful teaching! I came to you at the recommendation of my boss, not knowing what to expect. I became so comfortable in your office and with your communication training, that I truly enjoyed coming to your sessions. I learned so much about myself, and it was such a help to make that display board of all my facial expressions! I now have that on my desk at my office to keep as a reminder of how I look at all times! There were so many positive things I learned about business etiquette and managerial skills, I just can’t thank you enough. I think I really miss our time together.
Sophia Yu, Age 52
Dear Ms. Rolan,
It is with great gratitude that I write my feedback for your class. Since accepting your etiquette and communications guidance, I have become full of confidence. I no longer worry about My language barrier. I started to speak with greater volume, and have overcome many mental hangups, and my Presentation skills have greatly improved.
Thank you again, Ms. Rolan.
Your Student,
Sophia Yu
Age 52
Samuel Cassatly, Age 22
Dear Coach Roslyn,
My time in your course has helped me a lot with being more conscious of how I present myself to others. I learned about how to improve my postures to look more confident, and to be better groomed so my long hair is away from my face and my beard is trimmed and more appealing.
You helped me identify what I must work on to become the person I would like to be, and to drafting what my goals should be.
We identified what is holding me back, and what I need to do to fundamentally change my negative thinking about myself.
I thank you for being so positive about me, and trying to help me feel that way about myself. Being with you did give me more confidence.
You gave me guidelines for social interactions which I know I will find most useful. Thank you for a good coaching experience.
Age 22
Harrison Cassatly, Age 20
Dear Ms. Roslyn,
I do appreciate your pointers on how not to appear “creepy” to girls on campus. I think that was very helpful because sometimes when I try to start a conversation with them, they say I am “strange”. So I think that is because I just didn’t know how to approach them.
You opened my eyes to some ideas I never would know about. Also, you gave me pointers on the way I looked, that my hair should be off my face so people can see my lovely eyes. That would stop me from looking off putting as well.
I appreciate the book you gave me to help with my handwriting. I also liked creating the Poster for my dorm room, with a special message about social interaction as a reminder. Good idea.
Thank You.
AGE 20
SEPT. 30, 2023
Hunter Cassatly, Age 15
Coach Roslyn,
My time spent in your class has been very informative and helpful. You have helped me with my nervous tics. You helped me develop a much-needed wardrobe, researching some clothing online with me.
I enjoyed my public speaking exercise in class, and am impressed that you liked my voice! Table Etiquette instruction was interesting and I mostly enjoyed our Dining Tutorial luncheon!
All in all, it was a most enjoyable class.
Thank you.
Age 15
Sept. 30, 2023
Nelcy Nunez, Age 29
Dear Ms. Roslyn,
I appreciate the time and attention you’ve invested in me during the month we worked together. I am personally on a journey of growth and self-improvement, and you’ve made a meaningful contribution to it. We worked on developing greater strength to my voice and my Presentation skills, which I truly needed.
After working with you, I feel I have a greater understanding of the basics of communication and etiquette. I also feel I have the direction now to continue to dive deeper into developing my skills for my future business. Besides that, your openness has helped me become wiser as a woman. Spending time with you, Ms. Roslyn, was truly a gift.
Thank you for all your effort.
Nelcy Nunez,
Age 29
April 20, 2023
Alex Yarembinsky, 42
Dear Ms. Rolan,
I can’t thank you enough for your course! I have gotten so much out of your teaching. More than I expected! When I told some of my friends about your program, they mocked me. But after seeing the changes in me they said, “that was money well spent!” What has made the biggest impressions on me was the importance of making a good first impression, having good posture and wearing current clothes that fit properly.
Now, everywhere I go, women always compliment me, It’s amazing!
Thank you again, you really are great!! Your course is the best money I’ve ever spent. The Certificate you gave me is framed and on my living room wall!
With sincere gratitude and appreciation,
Velan Mudaliar, 32
Dear Ms. Rolan,
I just want to thank you for all the image consulting help you provided me. Your advice was very beneficial in the long run for me. Not only did my dating life improve but I felt like I became a more well-rounded person due to your assistance. It put me on the right path, a path that ultimately led me to meeting my incredibly amazing wife. Bhumi, whom I married just 4 months ago.
My short time with you, truly changed my life! I am so glad I found you!
With deep appreciation,
James Lee, Attorney

Thank you for your insight, your understanding, and all your wonderful advice. Before meeting you, as a recent graduate out of law school (Seton Hall University), I was overwhelmed by the pressures of being an inexperienced professional in a competitive industry. I had no idea how to communicate my worth to a hiring firm.
In our session on communication skills and presentation I learned how to respond to interview questions and how to communicate with others more effectively. What impressed me most was how much I learned about myself, my self-image, and how I express myself. The session gave me the tools and the direction that I needed to develop myself as a professional, and it gave me great confidence in different social settings.
Please accept my sincere gratitude for your kindness and understanding in being sensitive to the situation of young graduates entering the workforce, especially my own position. The discount you made available for me made my opportunity for professional development possible and paved the road for the next steps in my career. After we met I landed the first job for which I interviewed. I am now experiencing the start of a rewarding career as an attorney.
Thank you for all your help.
Tasha David
Dear Ms. Rolan,
I appreciate the time I spent with you to learn speech phonetics, preparing for my different speech responsibilities. It was valuable to learn how to use better breathing techniques
to help me develop greater volume in my speech. Thank you for your invaluable mentoring. You are amazing at what you do!
Warmest Thanks,
Caribbean Commissioner
Office of the Mayor City of Newark
International Relations & Diaspora Affairs
Martin O’Brien – Global Manager, Nokia, Oakland, NJ
I’m enjoying my new wardrobe tremendously and have received a handful of compliments from those I was intimidated by in the past! I appreciate your color coded wardrobe chart, it has been a great help to me in learning how to coordinate my clothing. Thanks for all your efforts.
Marie Flynn – Glenmede Trust, Morristown, NJ
Thank you for sharing your sense of style and good taste on my behalf. For probably the first time in my life, I enjoyed shopping for clothes. Would you believe the very first day I wore one of my new outfits, I received compliments! People complimented me on both the wine color of my suit and my accessories. You have brought me out of the duldrums of my usual navy and black, and into a more updated and chic personal style.
Lee Cushman, Stamford, CT
Roslyn, I haven’t enjoyed time with someone so much for so long! You made it easy and I was dreading the shopping. You have opened new doors already in my life and I feel years younger just knowing how to use makeup and wear the right colors! Thank You!
Claudia M. Nelson CPS – Stanley Works, New Britain, CT
You’ve done so much for me it’s hard to know where to begin! I can’t believe how much you changed my “look” in just a few hours….from colors, my hair, personal style and body type. During the closet audit you worked tirelessly in going through my wardrobe of 30 years! Shopping was a wonderful experience! And, this week I am getting compliments from people wondering if I lost weight! A few remarked that I ‘looked extremely professional’. You’re the best!
Len Prazych – Prazych Communications, Saratoga Springs, NY
Being tall, shopping was never pleasurable for me. In a very short time, you were able to coordinate A professional wardrobe which was comfortable, within my budget, which has greatly enhanced my overall Professional image and confidence. Many thanks.
Debra Olita – Toshiba Consultant, Hoboken, NJ
I learned so much about make-up application, accessorizing and Business Casual attire. Being very petite, it has always been difficult to find clothing that fits my frame. I truly am thrilled with my shopping experience with you!
Margaret Pangert, Upper Saddle River, NJ
My closet was such a mess until you helped me organize! I can actually appreciate the clothing I own. Your color analysis brought a better understanding of what I should be wearing. Our shopping time made me feel like a ‘Queen For A Day’, and I am thrilled with the workable wardrobe you coordinated, at such good prices!
Sally Klemm

Adult Finishing School
Thank you for sharing your expertise and words of wisdom with me. I have read through the workbook you created for me, and have taken your suggestions to heart. I have already cleared my closet and bought my first piece of new clothing….a jacket! It was a pleasure meeting with you
Gracchi Villabon

Adult Finishing School
Thanks again for sharing your experience and words of wisdom with me. You have inspired me to make important chances in my wardrobe and overall presence. I greatly appreciate our time together and know it will help me in my future career endeavors.
Elizabeth Carter

Empowerment Training
This experience has transformed my life. I am so glad, grateful and thankful for all of your support. May God bless you with health, success and abundance.
Stefanie Alaimo

Empowerment Training
I am thrilled with the way you have helped me change my self-image in just 4 sessions! You have motivated me to make changes my professional image and manner. Just understanding the right colors to well, getting a more updated hair style and learning the proper way of using makeup has given me a more polished appearance and greater confidence. I appreciated your posture and walking exercises and made me feel much taller than 5’2″ and look forward to continuing with part 2 of your empowerment training.
St. Joseph’s Hospital in Paterson, NJ – Rhoda Lei Yago, Nurse

Empowerment Training
You have transformed my life! I am so happy I found you to help me achieve greater confidence in my appearance, and vocal communications, to enhance my career. Thank you very much for your motivation and advice. You are a very good mentor and classy lady! I am looking forward to continuing my training with you.
Myriam Rodriguez

Professional Business Communications
Working with you to increase my communication skills, posture and poise, gave me so much more confidence. Learning all the social graces also gave me a greater understanding of how business is conducted in American companies. As you said, ‘Knowledge is Power’, and I now have the tools to interview for another job. My great appreciation!
Ola Awad, President – Palestinian Central Bureau of Statistics

Professional Business Communications
Thank you so much for your commendable efforts and dedication to make the 9-hour training program (Professional Business Communications) a success. I really enjoyed our time together and benefited from your Expertise and advice. I will recommend your services to business Colleagues and friends.